Using the Expressive Arts in Counseling
CO 690, Using the Expressive Arts in Counseling (3 credits)
Summer II: Monday-Friday, July 8-19, 2024; 4:00-8:30pm MT
Professors: Loretta Sanchez and Jan McCormack
Now open for registration for any Den Sem Student!
(**This is a two-week intensive as part of the Summer II, 2024 course offerings)
This interactive, synchronistic zoom course is open as an elective for any Denver Seminary student. It will explore the creative nature of God, the history, rational, and benefits of using the expressive arts in ministry, pastoral care and counseling, and therapeutic counseling venues. Several key modalities such as drawing, painting, and sculpture; play; music; drama; biblical story, poetry and images; writing; cinema, theater, and tv; as well as humor will be addressed. Students will be exposed to a gamut of creative art forms that can be utilized to form a professional helping toolbox for children through adults.
Through lectures, case vignettes, class activities, role-plays, demonstrations, and assignments, it is hoped that students will gain knowledge of the value of the expressive arts for their counseling practice and ministry. It is expected that students will learn specific brief counseling “homework” techniques a as well as develop a degree of comfort in using various forms of expressive arts in their work with clients and care-recipients.
Any course questions about the course may be addressed to the professors: (Remote professor) (Residential professor)
(Note: In the 2024-2025 Academic Catalogue, the Course # changes to CO 695)