Whether you are writing your first research paper or refining your thesis, our collection of resources and guides is designed to support you during your time at Denver Seminary. Explore our resources to find expert tips, improve your writing skills, and ensure your papers comply with the appropriate style manuals.
Have a grammar question, tricky APA/Turabian citation, or formatting issue? We are available to answer your questions! Email the Writing Center at writingcenter@denverseminary.edu at any time or stop in Library Conference Room 113 during tutoring hours during fall and spring semesters to ask our tutor.
Writing Center Tutorial Video - take a video tour of the Writing Center website
Editing FAQs - addresses questions you may have about editing
Track Changes for Mac - for Mac users, an explanation of how your paper was edited
Track Changes for PC - for PC users, an explanation of how your paper was edited
Microsoft Office 365 - free to current students for writing papers in Microsoft Word (a seminary requirement)
Copyright Checklist - review this "fair use" checklist when using copyrighted material
Gender-Inclusive Language - how to avoid gender bias in your writing (updated June 2024)
Avoiding Plagiarism - you might be surprised at the many forms it can take, including using AI! (updated June 2024)

If you are a counseling student, your papers must be written in APA Style (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed.).
All other students (biblical studies, theology, chaplaincy, etc.) must use Turabian (Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 9th ed.).

Please use caution when relying on automatically generated citations from databases like WMS, EBSCO, or ProQuest as they may contain incomplete or inaccurate information. While these citations can serve as helpful starting points, students are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of their citations.
Files to Download
Writing & Citing in APA (Webinar [43:03], PowerPoint, Handout) - video and resources from our latest webinar (Oct 2024)
APA Style (PowerPoint) - an overview of the APA manual, 7th edition (updated Oct 2024)