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Many Books


Whether you are writing your first research paper or refining your thesis, our collection of resources and guides is designed to support you during your time at Denver Seminary. Explore our resources to find expert tips, improve your writing skills, and ensure your papers comply with the appropriate style manuals.



Have a grammar question, tricky APA/Turabian citation, or formatting issue? We are available to answer your questions! Email the Writing Center at at any time or stop in Student Center Conference Room (SCCR) 162 during tutoring hours during fall and spring semesters to ask our tutor. 

Gen Info

Writing Center Tutorial Video - take a video tour of the Writing Center website

Editing FAQs - addresses questions you may have about editing

Track Changes for Mac - for Mac users, an explanation of how your paper was edited

Track Changes for PC - for PC users, an explanation of how your paper was edited

Microsoft Office 365 - free to current students for writing papers in Microsoft Word (a seminary requirement)

Rsources for Writin

Gender-Inclusive Language - suggestions for ensuring your writing complies with Denver Seminary's policy and avoids sexism

Avoiding Plagiarism - understand the forms that plagiarism can take, including use of AI


Copyright (Fair Use) Checklist - when using copyrighted material in research and presentations, review this checklist ​

Writing and Citing: When in Doubt, Cite - view the latest webinar by Charlotte and Jana and download the handout and PowerPoint (March 1, 2024)

Anchor 2
Which Manual

If you are a counseling student, your papers must be written in APA Style (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed.).

All other students (biblical studies, theology, chaplaincy, etc.) must use Turabian (Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 9th ed.).

Turabian manual.png

Please use caution when relying on automatically generated citations from databases like WMS, EBSCO, or ProQuest as they may contain incomplete or inaccurate information. While these citations can serve as helpful starting points, students are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of their citations.

        ​Files to Download


APA Style (PowerPoint) - an overview of the APA manual, 7th edition (Updated January 2024)

Formatting in APA Style (PowerPoint) - how to format headings, references, and everything in between (updated January 2024)

APA Formatting Checklist - refer to this list for basic APA formatting requirements

APA Title Page - this template complies with the 7th edition

Writing in APA Style (PowerPoint) - techniques and requirements for writing in APA Style 

APA Sample Paper - example from a student paper, including formatting notes from the APA manual (revised and updated June 2024)

Citing Common Sources in APA - examples of citations for common types of sources with notes 

Annotated Bibliography in APA - what you need to know to create an annotated bibliography

APA Style Tip Sheet Links

Anatomy of a Journal Article - find better sources by understanding the different parts of a journal article (New)

Reading and Understanding Abstracts - conduct better research by understanding scientific article abstracts (New)

In-Text Citation Checklist reminders for paraphrasing, quoting, and citing sources (New)


Please use caution when relying on automatically generated citations from databases like WMS, EBSCO, or ProQuest as they may contain incomplete or inaccurate information. While these citations can serve as helpful starting points, students are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of their citations. 


Note that Denver Seminary requires using Turabian's "notes-bibliography" style for source citations. Here are the styles to choose from the following databases:

  • WMS: Turabian (notes-bibliography) 9th ed.

  • EBSCO: Chicago 17th Edition (Notes & Bibliography)

  • ProQuest: Turabian 9th Edition (Notes) 

Files to Download

Tips on Turabian 2.0 (PowerPoint) - guidance on citing sources and formatting papers (completely revised and updated April 2024!)

Turabian Formatting Checklist - refer to this list for basic Turabian formatting requirements (updated June 2024)

Citing the Bible in Turabian when and how to cite scripture and abbreviate books of the Bible (updated June 2024)


Turabian Title Page - this template complies with the 9th edition.

Turabian Sample Paper - example of a title page, one page of text, and bibliography, with formatting notes (updated June 2024)

Citing Common Sources in Turabian - (legal sized with formatting notes) examples of footnotes and bibliography entries

Citing Common Sources in Turabian (no notes) (letter sized) examples of footnotes and bibliography entries 

Guidance for Research Papers - provided by Denver Seminary faculty, this simplifies some citations—follow it "religiously"!

  • SBL Handbook of Style - guidance for addressing issues particular to biblical studies (e.g., biblical citations; citing commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and encyclopedias; transliteration of Greek and Hebrew, etc.)

Each of these is available in a hard copy; the APADSM-5-TR, and Turabian manuals are accessible online (and linked).

  • APA Manual: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed. (2020)

  • Turabian Manual: Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 9th ed. (2018)

  • DSM-5-TR: Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (2022)

  • For International Students: Academic Writing: A Handbook for International Students, 5th ed. (2011)


If you have any questions, please contact us.

Jana Matthews
Writing Center Coordinator

Additional Resources
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