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Students for the Advancement of Bible Translation

The Denver Seminary Student Group on Bible Translation will be kicking off our second semester of meetings on Wednesday, January 31st at 12:00pm, where we'll be joined in-person by Ed and Linda Speyers. In their 48-year history with Wycliffe the Speyers have served in Suriname, South America as Bible translators from 1979-1999 and since then in the Recruitment Department of Wycliffe USA.The Speyers will be discussing their lives and experiences as Bible translators, as well as a pilot program Wycliffe has launched to train seminary graduates in translation consulting to help with a growing need for Biblical exegetical experts and Bible translation consultants around the world.If you're interested in pursuing a role in Bible translation, or are just interested in what is happening in the field, please come join us in room EBR A on the second floor of the Graber Administration building. 

If you are interested but cannot attend in person, please join us on ZOOM at .

Lunch will be provided. We need a headcount for food planning, so if you plan to attend in person please contact Jason Kratz at

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Denver Seminary Student Life exists to see a gospel-formed community of learners equipped to participate in God's mission in the world. We do so by cultivating robust student engagement opportunities and offering proactive student care and resources that foster holistic formation and contribute to life long flourishing.

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